Now & Forever Fund

The Barberton Public Library Now & Forever fund was established by the Library Board of Trustees in order to seek, receive, and administer gifts, bequests, and donations for the support and preservation of the Barberton Public Library, beyond the level of taxpayer responsibility and in a manner consistent with the mission and goals of the library.  All gifts great and small are welcome. The fund may receive donations from individuals, organizations, and corporations. 
The Now & Forever fund is located at the Barberton Community Foundation, a 509(a)(3) public charity,  which partners with community stakeholders, donors, and charitable organizations to improve the quality of life for Barberton residents by maximizing the strategic impact of charitable contributions.  You can access this fund directly to make a contribution online.
If you prefer to mail in a donation, checks should be made payable to Barberton Community Foundation, with a notation in the memo line of the check that it is for the Barberton Public Library Now & Forever Fund.  Please mail gifts benefitting the Barberton Public Library Endowment fund to:
Barberton Community Foundation
460 West Paige Avenue
Barberton, OH  44203

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