Bestsellers Club

Bestsellers Club

Bestseller's Club brochure


Getting your favorite authors’ new releases is easy! Readers may request that librarians automatically reserve new hardback titles before they hit library shelves. This free service is open to patrons with CLEVNET cards in good standing.  

How it Works

  • Choose an unlimited number of authors from the list and provide your contact information.
  • Each time one of your selected authors publishes a new, hardcover title, we’ll place you on the reserve list.
  • We’ll notify you as soon as your copy is ready to be picked up.

The Benefits

  • Receive the most recent material by your favorite author without ever lifting a finger.
  • You no longer have to take time to search out new titles; the library will do it for you.
  • A thrilling read surprises you at the library and all you have to do is stop by to pick it up.

Email for more information.   The form is available in PDF file format at the bottom of this page.  You can email the information on the form to Sarah or bring the form to the Library. 

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