Kids Code

Kids Code
Monday, March 2 & 16, April 6 & 20 from 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm
Join us and explore the world of coding. Kids will have the opportunity to explore game building and get creative with programs like Scratch and languages such as Python, JavaScript, and HTML. Each month we will focus on a different coding language or project. 


Fall 2019 Lessons
Intro to Coding 

  • Lesson 1 - JavaScript programming language is used to write programs that run in web pages. JavaScript can control how a web page looks or make the page respond when a viewer clicks a button or moves the mouse. We used Kodable Hour of Code to build Fuzzes, make mazes and create games that utilized JavaScript. 
  • Lesson 2 - Learn specifics of the JavaScript language by following the tutorials in Game Maker. Learn how to read and edit code in order to create characters and manipulate game play. Explore more using Globaloria MakeQuest. Play the game, manipulate and edit the code and continue through the levels. 
  • Lesson 1 - Python is a great programming language to learn when getting started. It's also a powerful language used by many companies for making and deploying web apps. Fun Fact: Python, powers the world’s second-largest search engine: YouTube. Using Trinket's Blocks to Code tutorial, compare and contrast how Python is similar and different to JavaScript while learning (and seeing) the difference between block and written coding language. 
  •  Lesson 2 - Python with Turtles introduces code using the Python programming language and...Turtles. Learn how to repeat with loops and lists, manipulate multiple turtles, how to use "If-Else" statements as well as functions using the language of Python. 

Netiquette & Website Design 
  • Netiquette is the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet. Learning Netiquette teaches children what information is OK to share and when not to share information. It teaches how to talk with others and be responsible for what you post. It gives insight to identifying fake information as well as using and creating secure content
  • Learn to be Internet Awesome with Google’s Interland
    Using Google’s Interland, explore the four Kingdoms and learn to be internet awesome! Tower of Treasure – Secure your secrets, Kind Kingdom – It’s cool to be kind, Reality River – Don’t fall for fake, & Mindful Mountain – Share with care. Children must conquer each kingdom in order to assist in the website build.
  • Website:
Spring 2019 Project Showcase

Dance Party
Cheese Touch
JS Jam 1
Hypno Boy's Party
Color the Rain

Flappy Bird 

What Does the Bunny Say? eeeeeeeeee
Bat Flappy
Flappy 20000000​
Flappy Shark

Website Build

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